Scheduling Divine Liturgies
/ About Us / Church Guidelines / Scheduling Divine Liturgies




Remebering our loved ones by offering Liturgies for either their blessed repose or for health and blessings is a long held tradition of our Byzantine faith.


Submit your requests early in order to secure your desired date.  If your request is unavailable, we will schedule it at the next earliest opportunity.  Your requests are posted in the Bulletin and also posted on the Church Website Calendar.


Note:  If you wish to have a Divine Liturgy celebrated during the week and you are able to attend, Fr. Ed will schedule it at a time convenient for you.  When you see a Divine Liturgy scheduled during the week with no time indicated that means that Fr. Ed is celebrating it at his convenience. 


Use the envelopes provided in your My Offering boxed set to reserve your date.  Place your completed envelope in the collection basket for processing.  Offering $10.00

Service Schedule
10:00am - Divine Liturgy - In Church and Live Streaming via Church Facebook

St. Mary Byzantine Catholic Church
246 East 15th Street
Manhattan, NY
